At RI Advice Alderley, we have the expertise, experience and resources to help you get wealth, grow it and keep it safe.

Since we opened in 1991 under the name RetireInvest, RI Advice Alderley has become a leading provider of financial advice with a dedicated team who thrive on this ever-changing, fast-paced environment.

We'd like to introduce you to our team.


Brisbane wouldn’t be Brisbane without RI.

member member

Bert Dugdale

Financial Adviser

Grad Dip Fin Plan., Dip FS, Dip FP, B Eng

If you’re looking at this photo wondering if you’ve ever met Bert, then you probably haven’t. With an infectious cackle, and no fear for telling it like it is, Bert has a bizarrely deep enthusiasm for aviation, genealogy and travelling.

He is one of RI Alderley’s advisors and proprietors, having joined RI Alderley in 2004 as a paraplanner. Bert has worked in the financial services industry since 2003 and was a civil engineer in Singapore for the 10 years prior.

In 2017, Bert was selected as one of Australia’s top 50 financial advisers by financial publishers Barron’s and The Australian Newspaper.

member member

Kylie Goedee

Financial Adviser

Grad Dip Fin Plan., P Grad Cert (MBA), Adv Dip FS

Kylie has recently completed her professional year program and is now a fully licensed financial adviser. Having worked in the industry since 2000 with numerous perspectives from previous roles within financial services, she is passionate about assisting our clients with their financial journey.

With a quick-fire sense of humour and a mischievous glint in her eye, we’ve loved having Kylie as a member of the RI family since 2017. When Kylie has some well-deserved downtime, she loves doing Pilates and hanging out by the pool with her family.

In 2022, Kylie became a Proprietor of the business, partnering with Bert and Ming.

member member

Ming Dugdale

Office Manager

Grad Dip (Management), B Sc

Co-Owner, Office Manager, and an all-round lovely lady, there’s very little Ming can’t do! Having worked in various jobs in Singapore at an orchid farm and a precast concrete factory (where she met Bert); and more recently preparing quotes for a Brisbane cabinet maker, Ming brought her talent to the RI family in 2014.

member member

Aris Atmadja


M Comm (Banking & Finance)

If you’ve ever wondered about nutritiously adorable treats for your doggos, Aris is your guy. If you’re wondering who pumps out your advice documents, Aris is also your guy.

member member

Phoebe Clark

Client Service Officer

Phoebe will be the first and last smile you see when you come to our office!

Phoebe is a constant reminder to the rest of the team how old we are. While young, Phoebe joined the RI family in 2021 with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

member member

Melissa Driver

Client Service Officer

B Acc (FP)

Mel has recently completed her Bachelor of Accounting, majoring in Financial Planning, and has joined the RI Alderley family to further her learning and development in the Financial Planning profession.

*Bert Dugdale and Kylie Goedee are authorised representatives of RI Advice Group Pty Ltd, ABN 23 001 774 125. AFSL 238429.